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Learning to Love Data Science: Explorations of Emerging Technologies and Platforms for Predictive Analytics,
Learning to Love Data Science: Explorations of Emerging Technologies and Platforms for Predictive Analytics,
Learning to Love Data Science: Explorations of Emerging Technologies and Platforms for Predictive Analytics,

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Until recently, many people thought big data was a passing fad. "Data science" was an enigmatic term. Today, big data is taken seriously, and data science is considered downright sexy. With this anthology of reports from award-winning journalist Mike Barlow, you’ll appreciate how data science is fundamentally altering our world, for better and for worse.

Barlow paints a picture of the emerging data space in broad strokes. From new techniques and tools to the use of data for social good, you’ll find out how far data science reaches.

With this anthology, you’ll learn how:

Analysts can now get results from their data queries in near real time

Indie manufacturers are blurring the lines between hardware and software

Companies try to balance their desire for rapid innovation with the need to tighten data security

Advanced analytics and low-cost sensors are transforming equipment maintenance from a cost center to a profit center

CIOs have gradually evolved from order takers to business innovators

New analytics tools let businesses go beyond data analysis and straight to decision-making

Mike Barlow is an award-winning journalist, author, and communications strategy consultant. Since launching his own firm, Cumulus Partners, he has represented major organizations in a number of industries.

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Learning to Love Data Science: Explorations of Emerging Technologies and Platforms for Predictive Analytics,

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